Book Review: A Bunk for the Night

by Shaun Barnett, Rob Brown and Geoff Spearpoint

If you’ve read the original Bunk for the Night, you know it’s more than a guidebook. It’s escapism. It’s fantasy. It makes you get your map out, check your gear and plan a trip. It is the ultimate conversation starter.

Aotearoa has a vast range of backcountry huts with a proud heritage dating back 150 years. Over the decades, they have accommodated everyone from hunters to trampers, gold prospectors to high country musterers, tourists to scientists.

The new and improved version of Bunk for the Night features 201 of the best huts in the country, including well-known tramping huts and quirky hovels in remote places; famous Great Walk huts rub eaves with little bivs with names like Brass Monkey and Toka. Combined, they offer trampers and tourists a smorgasbord of options, a long list of must-visit huts.

A 2021 update that is just as much a classic as the original.


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